卫生学院 & 教育


Do you feel destined to pursue a career where you get to help others? 你是否 see yourself as part of a medical team caring for patients or in a classroom teaching the next generation, the 卫生学院 and 教育 can help you get there.

The 内斯比特药学院 at 澳门赌场在线娱乐 is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy 教育 as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.

澳门赌场在线娱乐’s nursing programs are accredited by CCNE and approved the by Pennsylvania 护理委员会.

The Pennsylvania Department of 教育 has approved the 澳门赌场在线娱乐 Bachelor of Arts degree to offer majors and one minor leading to teacher certification. 这两个 the majors and the minor may add Special 教育 certification.



卫生与教育学院设有 内斯比特药学院, 帕桑护理学院,和 教育学院.



As a pharmacy student, you will learn not just through lectures, but also through 从实践经验中学习. You will gain knowledge in the sciences, obtain clinical knowledge 和技能,提高你的人际交往能力. 作为药学课程的一部分, you will join a close-knit community of students and be mentored by supportive 教授 谁的目标是把你塑造成一个成功的药剂师.



With faculty who take time to get to know students personally and many opportunities for hands-on patient care, the 帕桑护理学院 helps students develop into 自信能干的护士. 我们为学生提供了大量的申请机会 what they learn in the classroom through hands-on activities and caring for real patients.


At the 教育学院, you will be trained in the latest technologies and teaching methods with the help of supportive faculty to effectively prepare you to take charge 教室的. Students gain field experience by student-teaching in regional schools and are given the opportunity to observe local classrooms starting their first year.




就业/研究生院的就业率 星号



星号表示 基于自我报告的调查数据.


Students within the 卫生学院 and 教育 will find a tight-knit community 同学们和热情的老师们. 我们的教授会花时间去了解你 students personally, providing opportunities for hands-on 从实践经验中学习 and helping mentor future pharmacists, nurses, and educators to reach their potential.

卫生学院 & 教职员工


I feel more than prepared to work each day as a pharmacist and leader with the U.S. 空军 because of the values instilled within me by the 教职员工 at Wilkes.

Cody Morcom ' 20 -队长和药剂师,美国.S. 空军

My favorite aspect of 澳门赌场在线娱乐 is the supportive faculty and family-like learning environment.

Alex Ponce '19 -药学博士

It's helpful to understand the science of why certain products are going to be more effective for certain conditions. Providing increased education will make people more valuable to the cannabis industry, which is continuing to grow and expand both in PA and throughout much of the country

Lexie Panek '21 -药学博士

I had the opportunity to complete a rotation at Geisinger Health Plan during my final year of school, 所以我去了管理式护理药房实习.

Leslie Shumlas ’19 - Health Plan Pharmacist at Geisinger Health Plan

One reason why I chose Wilkes is because of the connections and relationships that you can make with students, 教职员工.

龙乐25 -药房

My interviewer was familiar with how good the nursing program at Wilkes is, 这绝对帮我找到了实习和工作.

Alyssa Kresge '22 -护理

我最喜欢澳门赌场在线娱乐的是我在这里遇到的人, 不管他们是学生, 教授, 教练或其他工作人员. Everyone works so hard to make sure the students are well taken care of, well educated and safe.

Celine Podlesney '20 - Nursing major and softball student-athlete

The transfer process through admissions was very welcoming and helpful, whether it would be a last-minute tour of campus or weekly phone calls with your admissions counselor.


The 帕桑护理学院 has instilled in me the leadership qualities and nursing skills needed for me to begin my career, 我感激不尽.

Megan Kramer '19 -护理专业

我选择澳门赌场在线娱乐是因为那里有家的感觉. The opportunities on and off campus are endless and there is lots of room for growth and development.

Emily Repp '24 -护理

学生们开始投入到自己的学习中, 感觉授权, and hopefully gain more interest and curiosity for the material we cover throughout the school year. I think it's a great way to challenge your teaching methods and feel safe in taking chances and seeing the results.

Ashley Alveranga ' 20 - STEM背书

I want to learn all the necessary skills to be able to teach my children and others in the community the wonderful fulfillment received from expressing yourself through language and arts.

Yosara Gonzalez - MS in Middle-Level 教育 with Initial Teaching Certification

I get to see all different kinds of student behavior and teaching strategies.

迈克尔·布朗'20 -小学和幼儿教育

我的教学变成了以学生为主导. We engage in more activities that involve students thinking critically about open-ended problems and our lessons have greater overall purpose.

贾斯汀·鲁特' 20 - STEM背书

My observational/teaching experiences solidified the fact that I knew I was meant to teach, 在实验室工作的时候, community outreach experiences and research opportunities really broadened my understanding and welcoming to teach all different kinds of subjects under the umbrella of STEM.

Seth Platukas '20 -中学教育,生物学
